Archive of conferences 2022

International Scientific and Technical Workshop "Information Transmission and Processing Technologies"

March 30 - April 25 

 e-mail:,   phone: +375 17 293 84 08, fax: +375 17 390 96 28


XXIX International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Modern Education: Content, Technology, Quality"

April 19

BSUIR acts as a co-organizer

е-mail:,    phone: +7 911 960 47 24

International Scientific and Technical Conference "Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems (OSTIS)" 

April 20 - 22

e-mail:,   phone: +375 17 293 23 24, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

III International Scientific and Technical Conference "Digital technologies: problems and solutions of practical implementation in the industry"

April 27 - 28

BSUIR acts as a co-organizer

Website:,   phone: +998 91 388 56 66

59th Scientific Conference for BSUIR Undergraduate, Master and PhD Students

April 18-20 

e-mail:,   phone: +375 17 293 84 10, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues of Professional Education"

May 25-26 

e-mail:, phone: +375 17 361 62 85, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Big Data and Advanced Analytics"

May 17 - 18

e-mail:,   phone: +375 17 293 20 80, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

XXI Belarusian-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Information Security Technology" 

June 6

e-mail:,   phone: +375 17 293 23 08, pax: +375 17 390 96 28


VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems and prospects of development radio engineering and info-communication systems" "RADIOINFOCOM - 2023"
November 20-24

BSUIR acts as a co-organizer

phone: +7 499 215 65 65

5th International Scientific and Technical Conference «Monitoring of Man-Made and Natural Objects»

November 23-24

 e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 23 88, fax: +375 17 390 96 28  



November 22

 e-mail:,   phone: +375 17 293 86 64, fax: +375 17 390 96 28


International Conference «Lifelong Vocational Education for Disabled Persons»

December 14

e-mail:,   phone: +375 17 241 66 64, fax: +375 17 390 96 28