International Scientific and Practical Conference «Encoding and Digital Processing of Telecommunication Signals»

March 22 - April 19. In absentia.

 e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 84 08, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

57th Scientific and Technical Conference for BSUIR Undergraduate, Master and PhD Students 

April 19 - 23 

e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 84 10, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

International Scientific and Technical Conference «Automated Control Systems for Technological Processes at TPPs and NPPs»

April 27 - 28

 e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 85 45, fax: +375 17 390 96 28


International Scientific and Practical Conference «Quality of Educational Process: Challenges and Ways of Development»

April 30

е-mail:,    tel.: +375 17 293 23 14, fax: +375 17 390 96 28


VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Big Data and Advanced Analytics Conference and Expo»

May 19 - 20

e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 85 44, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

IV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Current Issues in Professional Education» 

May 21

 e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 292 62 85, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

XI International Open Competitive Programming Championship of BSUIR
e-mail:, tel.: +375 17 293 86 63, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

XIX Belarusian-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference «Information Security Technology» 

June 8

e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 23 08, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

31th International Conference «Microvawe & Telecommunication Technologies»

September 5 - 11

BSUIR acts as a co-organizer.


International Scientific and Technical Conference «Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems (OSTIS)»

September 16 - 18

e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 23 24, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

Conference proceedings

15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information  Processing

September 21 - 24

BSUIR acts as a co-organizer.


October 28 - 29 

e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 84 45, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

Student IT-Olympiad «BIT-Cup 2021»

October - November 

e-mail:, tel.:: +375 17 293 86 63, fax: +375 17 390 96 28


International Scientific and Technical Workshop «Telecommunications: Networks and Technologies, Algebraic Encoding and Data Safety»

November 2 - December 10

e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 84 08, fax: +375 17 390 96 28

Collection of articles

XI International Scientific Conference «Information Technologies and Systems»  

November 24

 e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 86 08, fax: +375 17 390 96 28


International Scientific and Technical Conference «Monitoring of Man-Made and Natural Objects»

November 25 - 26

 e-mail:,   tel.: +375 17 293 23 88, fax: +375 17 390 96 28  

International Conference «Lifelong Vocational Education for Disabled Persons»

December 9 - 10

e-mail:,   tel./fax: +375 17 374 93 47