Alexander Smirnov
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Head of R&D Lab "Information display and processing units" Doctor of Science, Professor ☏ +375 17 293 88 58 Google Scholar profile |
- Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in electronics and optoelectronics
- Information display and processing devices
- Microdisplay technologies and personal video projection devices
- Optoelectronics.
- Field of scientific activity.
- Integrated optoelectronics. Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in display technology and optoelectronics.
High education, graduated from MRTI in 1971.
1970 - 2020 - MRTI-BSUIR, Ph.D. post-graduate student, Junior researcher, assistant, senior lecturer of the Department "Semiconductors and dielectrics", associate Professor, senior researcher, Professor, leading researcher, head of the R&D Lab "Information display and processing units”.
2005 – Professor.
2003 – Doctor of Science.
1976 – award of Belarus Youth Organization.
Member of SID since 1993.
Member of Belarusian Display Society.
More than 230 articles in highly rated scientific journals, 3 monographs and more than 30 patents in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.
- Impact of various dopant elements on the electronic structure of Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 (CZTS) thin films: a DFT study. A. Kistanov, W. Cao, M. Huttula, S. Khadiullin, E. Korznikova, A. Smirnov – CrystEngComm, 2020, 22 (35), p. 5786-5791.
- Тонкопленочные транзисторы с InGAZnO-полупроводниковым слоем для активно-матричной адресации. Б. А. Казаркин, А. А. Степанов, Е. В. Муха, И. И. Захарченя, Е. А. Хохлов, А. Г. Смирнов - Доклады БГУИР, №7 (125) 2019, с. 101-106.
- All silicon passive addressed micro LED displays with nanoporous Si/ITO-free nanomesh layers as light emitting pixels. A. Smirnov, A. Stepanov, V. Bondarenko, E. Chubenko, A. Dolgyi, S. Redko, G. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Zh. Lin, Q. Yan - SID Journal, Vol. 50, Issue S1, p. 221-224.
- Microlense Liquid Crystal Devices on the Base of Cylindrical Objects. V. Belyaev, A. Solomatin, D. Suarez, H. Hargaryan, N. Hakobyan, A. Smirnov - Journal of the Society for Information Display, September 2019, Vol. 27, Issue 9, pp. 536-542.
- Optoelectronic performance of AgNW transparent conductive films with different width-to-height ratios and a figure of merit embodying an optical haze. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, H. Wang, A. Smirnov, X.W. Sun, E. Mukha - AVS Quantum Science, AIP Advances 9, 045226 (2019), 7 pages. Published online 26 April 2019.
- Optical haze of randomly arranged silver nanowire transparent conductive films with wide range of nanowire diameters. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, H. Wang, A. Smirnov, H. Huang, X.W. Sun, W. Fan - AIP Advances 8, 035201 (2018).
- Highly efficient ultrathin plasmonic insulator-metal-insulator-metal solar cell. A. Hubarevich, M. Marus, W. Fan, A. Smirnov, H. Wang – Plasmonics, February 2018, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp 141–145.
- New applications of nanostructured materials in the prospect electronic devices. A. Smirnov, A. Stepanov, B. Kazarkin, V. Belyaev, D. Chausov - Int. Scientific Journal “Industry 4.0”, ISSN 2543-8582, issue 6, 2017, p. 272-274.
- Image formation by ink-jet printing in micro-and nanoporous anodic alumina film with capsulating. B. Kazarkin, A. Stepanov, Y. Mukha, A. Smirnov - Vol. 133 (2018) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 4 Proceedings of the International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering, May 29–June 2, 2017, Lviv, с. 771-773.
- Анализ основных механизмов, определяющих качество жидкостного травления кремния. Ю. А. Родионов, А. Г. Смирнов, А. А. Степанов - Известия Кабардино-Балкарского Государственного Университета, т.7, №3,2017, С. 95-102.
- Особенности химического травления кремния с маской. Ю. А. Родионов, А. Г. Смирнов, А. А. Степанов - Известия Кабардино-Балкарского Государственного Университета, т.7, №3,2017, С.103-108.
- Critical review on sputter-deposited Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) based thin film photovoltaic technology focusing on device architecture and absorber quality on the solar cells performance. S. Zhuk, G. Dalapati, A. Smirnov, T. W. Kin Shun, S. M. Panah, A. Kushwaha - International Journal “Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells”, 171 (2017), p.239-252.
- Towards theoretical analysis of optoelectronic performance of uniform and random metallic nanowire layers. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, H. Wang, Y. Mukha, A. Smirnov, H. Huang, W. Fan, X. Wei Sun - Thin Solid Films
- Volume 626, 31 March 2017, Pages 140–144.
- Effect of silver nanowire length in a broad range on optical and electrical properties as a transparent conductive film. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, R. J. Lim, H. Нuang, A. Smirnov, H. Wang, W. Fan, X. Sun Opt. Mater. Express 7(3), 1105-1112 (2017)
- Morphology and optical properties of aluminum oxide formed into oxalic electrolyte with addition surface active agents. B. Kazarkin, A. Stepanov, V. Zhilinski, A. Chernik, V. Bezborodov, G. Kozak, S. Danilovich, A Smirnov - 3rd International School and Conference on Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures OPEN 2016, 28–30 March 2016, St Petersburg, Russia.
- Towards understanding the difference of optoelectronic performance between micro- and nanoscale metallic layers. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, H. Wang, Y. Mukha, A. Smirnov, H. Huang, X. W. Sun, W. Fan - Optical Materials Express, vol. 6, No 8, 1 August 2016, p. 2655-2661.Light Propagation through Composite Heterophase Objects with Liquid Crystal Material. V. Belyaev, A. Solomatin, D. Suarez, F. Molina, A. Smirnov - Proc. Display Week 2016 SID Symp., San-Fransicko, USA, June 2016.
- Nanomesh aluminum films for LC alignment. Theoretical and experimental modeling. А. Dadivanyan, V. Belyaev, D. Chausov, A. Stepanov, A. Smirnov, G. Tsybin, M.A. Osipov - Mol.Cr. Liq.Cr., Vol. 611, pp. 117-122, 2015.
- Transparent conductive nanoporous aluminium mesh prepared by electrochemical anodizing. A. Hubarevich, M. Marus, A. Stepanov, A. Smirnov, J. Zhao, W. Fan, H. Wang, X. W. Sun - Physica Status Solidi A, 212 (2015), p. 2174-2178.
- Comparative analysis of optoelectronic performance of aluminium and silver nanoporous and nano-wired layers. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, A. Stepanov, A. Smirnov, H. Wang, X.W. Sun, W.Fan - Optics Express, 23 (2015), p. 26794-26799
- Theoretical comparison of optical and electronic properties of uniformly and randomly arranged nano-porous ultra-thin layers. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, A. Smirnov, H. Wang, X. W. Sun, W. Fan - Optics Express, 23 (2015), pp. 17860-17865.
- Optoelectronic performance optimization for transparent conductive layers based on randomly arranged silver nanorods. M. Marus, A. Hubarevich, A. Smirnov, H. Wang, X. W. Sun, W. Fan - Optics Express, 23 (2015), pp. 6209-6214.
- Метод тональной компрессии и алгоритмы обработки изображений при интенсивной внешней засветке. А. В. Cычев, А. А. Степанов, А. Г. Смирнов, К. Бланкенбах - Доклады БГУИР, № 3 (89), 2015, с.23-28.
- Сравнительный анализ методов тональной компрессии при обработке изображений на примере жидкокристаллических дисплеев. А. В. Cычев, А. А. Степанов, А. Г. Смирнов, К. Бланкенбах - Доклады БГУИР, № 4 (90), 2015, с. 87-92.
- Сравнительный анализ методов тональной компрессии и цветовой коррекции при обработке изображений в условиях внешней засветки. А. В. Cычев, А. А. Степанов, А. Г. Смирнов, К. Бланкенбах - Доклады БГУИР, № 8 (94), 2015, с. 111-114.