Eugene Sinkevich
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Deputy Head of the laboratory of R&D Lab 1.7 «Electromagnetic compatibility of radio equipment» ☏ +375 17 293 89 94, +375 17 293 84 38 |
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic interference (EMI), and electromagnetic protection of on-board and/or ground-based radio & electronic systems: research, engineering, simulation, and measurements.
November 2000 - November 2003 – Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR), Minsk, Belarus. Postgraduate study in Electrical Engineering. Research in the fields of Statistical Theory, Simulation & Measurement of Random Processes. Engaged in development of specialized software for Analysis & Simulation of Random Processes.
September 1995 - June 2000 – BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus. M.Sc. Degree with honors in Electrical Engineering. Research in the fields of Statistical Theory, Simulation & Measurement of Random Processes.
July 2005 - present – R&D Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility, R&D Department, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus.
Head of R&D Laboratory (since January 2018), senior researcher, and principal designer of international R&D projects in the following fields: the development of sophisticated software for analysis and prediction of EMC/EMI/electromagnetic protection in on-board and ground-based complexes of radio & electronic systems; the development of hardware & software platform intended for automated testing of nonlinearity & susceptibility of the radio receivers and components.
February 2004 - June 2005 – Radio Devices Department, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus.
Associate Professor of Electrical & Radio Engineering. Research in the fields of Statistical Theory, Simulation & Measurement of Random Processes. Development of Software for Analysis & Simulation of Random Processes.
Developments: analytical and numerical methods for synthesis of the instantaneous quadrature model of nonlinear devices exhibiting AM-PM conversion for fast nonlinear behavior simulation of radio receivers operating in severe electromagnetic environment; method for synthesis of high-order polynomials for approximation of instantaneous, AM-AM, and AM-PM characteristics of nonlinear radio electronic components and devices for computer-aided simulation of EMC/EMI/electromagnetic protection; method for estimation of the signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio for computer-aided simulation of EMC/EMI/electromagnetic protection; a technique of radio receiver’s spurious response recognition based on the double-frequency characteristic measurement results; system-level model for analysis of antenna response to electromagnetic pulse; etc.
Took part in research projects supported by the international customers, Belarus government, and local industry in the fields of EMC/EMI/electromagnetic protection of radio systems, networks and technologies (development, simulation, testing, diagnostics, frequency management & planning, conversion of frequency spectrum).
Chief designer of well-known products “EMC-Analyzer” and “Double-Frequency Test System”.
Member of IEEE.
More than 40 scientific publications, including more than 25 papers in English in international journals and conference proceedings.
- D. Tsyanenka, Y. Tamashevich, Y. Arlou, E. Sinkevich, V. Mordachev, X. Ma Computationally Effective Wideband Worst Case Model of Electromagnetic Wave Penetration between Compartments inside Enclosure - 2020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, 2020, p. 1-6
- E. Sinkevich, Worst Case Model for Fast Analysis of Intermodulation Interference in Radio Receiver - 2020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE) - Rome, 2020.
- D. Tsyanenka, Y. Arlou, I. Shakinka V. Mordachev, E. Sinkevich, Wen-Qing Guo Computationaly Efficient Wideband Worst Case Model of Plane Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction by Conductive System Hull - 2020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE) - Rome, 2020.
- V.Mordachev, E.Sinkevich, D.Tsyanenka, Y.Arlou, A.Svistunou, A.Galenko, A.Polkanov, A.Krachko, Yingsong Li, Tao Jiang, Wei Xue. EMC Diagnostics of Complex Ship Radioelectronic Systems by the Use of Analytical and Numerical Worst-Case Models for Spurious EM Couplings.- Proc. of the Intern. Symp. on Electrom. Compatibility "EMC Europe 2019", Barcelona, Spain, September 2– 6, 2019, p.214-219
- I.Shakinka, D.Tsyanenka, Y.Arlou, E.Sinkevich, V.Mordachev. Automated Selection of Solutions for Protection of On-Board System from External Electromagnetic Disturbances.- Proc. of the Intern. Symp. on Electrom. Compatibility "EMC Europe 2019", Barcelona, Spain, September 2– 6, 2019, p.226-231
- V.Mordachev, E.Sinkevich, D.Tsyanenka, O.Mikheev, K.Sakharov, A.Sukhov, V.Turkin, Wen-Qing Guo, Xie Ma, Hao-Yue Zheng. Experimental Validation of Applicability of Low-Level Test Methods to Assess the Effectiveness of Shielding from High-Power Electromagnetic Fields.- Proc. of the Intern. Symp. on Electrom. Compatibility "EMC Europe 2019", Barcelona, Spain, September 2– 6, 2019, p.279-284
- Ma X., Shen D., Sinkevich E., Mordachev V. Quick-Decision Method to Improve the Electromagnetic Compatibility Performance of Multi-Antenna System. 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). – Krakow, Poland, March 31-April 5, 2019. – p. 1-5
- Мордачёв В.И., Синькевич Е.В., Ционенко Д.А., Орлов Е.Е. Анализ электромагнитной совместимости локальных группировок радиоэлектронных средств. - Доклады БГУИР, №3(121), 2019, с.76-88
- Y. Arlou, D. Tsyanenka, E. Sinkevich and X. Ma, Worst-Case Model for Calculation of Lightning Electromagnetic Field - 2018 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE) - Amsterdam, 2018, - p. 196-201.
- D. Tsyanenka, Y. Arlou and E. Sinkevich Worst-Case Model for Considering Gaskets in Calculation of Shielding Effectiveness of Metallic Enclosures - 2018 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE) - Amsterdam, 2018 - p. 178-183.
- D. Tsyanenka, E. Sinkevich and Y. Arlou Wideband worst-case model of electromagnetic field shielding by metallic enclosure with apertures - 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Angers, 2017 - p. 1-6.
- V. Mordachev, E. Sinkevich, Y. Yatskevich, A. Krachko, P. Zaharov and X. Ma Simulation of nonlinear interference in aircraft systems operating in complex electromagnetic environment created by land-based and air-based wireless systems - 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Angers, 2017 - p. 1-6.
- Y. Arlou, E.Sinkevich, D. Tsyanenka and Y. Yatskevich Worst-case model of spurious resonances appearing in radio-frequency cables and degrading electromagnetic compatibility characteristics of wireless equipment at out-of-band frequencies - 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Angers, 2017 - p. 1-6.
- E. Sinkevich, Extraction of frequency response of receiver input filter from characteristic of receiver susceptibility to third-order intermodulation - 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Angers, 2017 - p. 1-6.
- Y. Arlou, E. Sinkevich and D.Tsyanenka Computationally effective wideband combined worst-case model of monopole antenna coupling - 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Wroclaw, 2016 - p. 620-625.
- E. Sinkevich, D. Tsyanenka and O. Yurtsev System-level model for analysis of dipole antenna response to electromagnetic pulse - 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Wroclaw, 2016 - p. 614-619.
- D.Tsyanenka, E.Sinkevich and A. Matsveyeu - Computationally-effective worst-case model of coupling between on-board antennas that takes into account diffraction by conducting hull - 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Wroclaw, 2016, - p. 602-607
- Синькевич, Е. В. Комбинированная модель нелинейности радиотракта для дискретного анализа электромагнитной совместимости. / Е. В. Синькевич // Доклады БГУИР. - 2015. - № 3 (89). - С. 36 - 42.
- Ционенко Д.А., Синькевич Е.В., Малый С.В., Орлов Е.Е. Модель дифракции высокочастотной электромагнитной волны на апертуре в проводящем экране. / Ционенко Д. А. [ и др.] // Доклады БГУИР. - 2015. - № 5 (91). - С. 5 - 11.
- Синькевич, Е. В. Исследование восприимчивости радиопередатчиков к интермодуляции по выходу с помощью двухчастотных диаграмм. / Е. В. Синькевич, В. И. Мордачев // Наука и военная безопасность. – 2015. - № 3 . – С. 43.