Vladimir Mordachev
Head of the laboratory of R&D Lab 1.7 «Electromagnetic compatibility of radio equipment» PhD, Associate Professor ☏ +375 17 293 84 38, +375 17 293 89 94 |
System-level electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic protection, electromagnetic safety and electromagnetic ecology of radio electronic equipment, networks and technologies (development, simulation, testing, diagnostics, frequency management & planning, conversion of frequency resource).
December 1977 - December 1980 – Minsk Radioengineering Institute, Minsk, Belarus. Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering (Electromagnetic Compatibility in Dispersed Spatial Sets of Radio Electronic Systems (Statistical Theory & Measurement).
September 1969 - June 1974 – Minsk Radioengineering Institute, Minsk, Belarus. M.Sc. Degree with honors in Electrical Engineering (Research in the field of pseudo noise signals & systems).
January 1995 - present – R&D Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility, R&D Department, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus.
Head of R&D Laboratory (1996-2017), Research manager of R&D Laboratory (since January 2018), Head of the international projects on the development of sophisticated software for analysis of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and design of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in on-board and ground radio electronic systems, software for frequency planning and EMC/EMI analyzing in wireless communications networks and systems using GIS technique and geographical digital area maps; analysis of electromagnetic ecology and electromagnetic safety of cellular communications.
January 1989 - December 1994 – Radio receiver Department and R&D Department, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR), Minsk, Belarus.
Senior Scientist, Principal Project Designer, Associate Professor; Head of projects on the development of automatic Double Frequency Testing (DFT) Systems for EMC testing of radio receivers in UHF, SHF & EHF bands; software for analysis and prediction of EMC in board & ground radar systems.
January 1981 - December 1988 – Radio systems Department and R&D Department, MREI, Minsk, Belarus.
Senior Scientist, Principal Project Designer; Head of projects on the development of automatic DFT Systems for EMC testing of radio receivers in MF, HF, VHF, UHF & SHF.
September 1974 - November 1977 – R&D Department, Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (MREI), Minsk, Belarus
Engineer, Senior engineer of R&D and educational projects.
Developed the technique for fast nonlinear behavior simulation of radio receivers in severe EM environment based on FFT; the quasi radar technique and equipment for automatic EMC testing & measurement of radio receivers (DFT technology and systems); the technique for synthesis of high-order polynomials for approximation of amplitude characteristics of nonlinear active radio electronic elements for EMC computer-aided simulation; the technique for generalized analysis of EMC and effective selectivity of radio receivers, transmitters and antennas; statistical theory of EM environment in spatially distributed systems, the technique of worst-case estimation of electromagnetic background created by different radio services in populous areas.
Took part in more then 200 research projects supported by the international customers, USSR and Belarus government and local industry in areas of electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic protection, electromagnetic safety and electromagnetic ecology of radio systems, networks and technologies (development, simulation, testing, diagnostics, frequency management & planning, conversion of frequency resource).
Member of IEEE.
More than 250 scientific publications, including 2 scientific monographs, more than 150 papers in international journals and conferences and 36 patents.
- V. Mordachev, Verification of Worst-Case Analytical Model for Estimation of Electromagnetic Background Created by Mobile (Cellular) Communications - 2020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE) - Rome, 2020.
- D. Tsyanenka, Y. Arlou, I. Shakinka V. Mordachev, E. Sinkevich, Wen-Qing Guo Computationaly Efficient Wideband Worst Case Model of Plane Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction by Conductive System Hull - 2020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE) - Rome, 2020.
- D. Tsyanenka, Y. Tamashevich, Y. Arlou, E. Sinkevich, V. Mordachev, X. Ma Computationally Effective Wideband Worst Case Model of Electromagnetic Wave Penetration between Compartments inside Enclosure - 2020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, 2020, p. 1-6
- V. Mordachev Estimation of Electromagnetic Background Intensity Created by Wireless Systems in Terms of the Prediction of Area Traffic Capacity - Proc. of the Intern. Symp. on Electrom. Compatibility (EMC Europe 2019) - Barcelona, Spain, September 2– 6, 2019, p.82-87
- V. Mordachev, E.Sinkevich, D.Tsyanenka, Y.Arlou, A.Svistunou, A.Galenko, A.Polkanov, A.Krachko, Yingsong Li, Tao Jiang, Wei Xue EMC Diagnostics of Complex Ship Radioelectronic Systems by the Use of Analytical and Numerical Worst-Case Models for Spurious EM Couplings - Proc. of the Intern. Symp. on Electrom. Compatibility (EMC Europe 2019) - Barcelona, Spain, September 2– 6, 2019, p.214-219
- I. Shakinka, D. Tsyanenka, Y. Arlou, E. Sinkevich, V. Mordachev Automated Selection of Solutions for Protection of On-Board System from External Electromagnetic Disturbances - Proc. of the Intern. Symp. on Electrom. Compatibility (EMC Europe 2019) - Barcelona, Spain, September 2– 6, 2019, p.226-231
- V. Mordachev, E. Sinkevich, D. Tsyanenka, O. Mikheev, K. Sakharov, A. Sukhov, V. Turkin, Wen-Qing Guo, Xie Ma, Hao-Yue Zheng. Experimental Validation of Applicability of Low-Level Test Methods to Assess the Effectiveness of Shielding from High-Power Electromagnetic Fields - Proc. of the Intern. Symp. on Electrom. Compatibility (EMC Europe 2019) - Barcelona, Spain, September 2– 6, 2019, p.279-284
- Ma X., Shen D., Sinkevich E., Mordachev V. Quick-Decision Method to Improve the Electromagnetic Compatibility Performance of Multi-Antenna System. 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). – Krakow, Poland, March 31-April 5, 2019. – p. 1-5
- Мордачёв В.И. Оценка уровня электромагнитного фона, создаваемого беспроводными системами информационного обслуживания населения, на основе прогноза территориальной плотности трафика. - Доклады БГУИР, №2(120), 2019, с.39-49
- Мордачёв В.И., Синькевич Е.В., Ционенко Д.А., Орлов Е.Е. Анализ электромагнитной совместимости локальных группировок радиоэлектронных средств. - Доклады БГУИР, №3(121), 2019, с.76-88
- Мордачёв В.И. Частотнонезависимые пределы значений системных параметров сотовой связи при интерференционном распространении радиоволн в городской застройке. - Доклады БГУИР, № 7-8 (126), 2019, с.117-124
- V. Mordachev, E. Sinkevich, D. Tsyanenka, A. Krachko, Y. Yatskevich, A. Shuldov, A. Vodchits, Yingsong Li, Tao Jiang, Wei Xue Multi-Variant Discrete Analysis of EMC of on-Board Radio Equipment with Use of Worst-Case Models - 2018 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE) - Amsterdam, 2018, pp. 190-195.
- V. Mordachev Restrictions on Wideband Systems of Mobile Communications of New Generations at Declared Expansion of Data Transfer Rates - 2018 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC EUROPE) - Amsterdam, 2018, p. 202-207.
- V. Mordachev System-level estimation of prevaling levels of EM fields of mobile phones considering near-field zone limitations of their antennas - 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Angers, 2017, pp. 1-6.
- V. Mordachev, E. Sinkevich, Y. Yatskevich, A. Krachko, P. Zaharov and X. Ma Simulation of nonlinear interference in aircraft systems operating in complex electromagnetic environment created by land-based and air-based wireless systems - 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Angers, 2017, p. 1-6.
- V. Mordachev Electromagnetic background created by base and mobile radio equipment of cellular communications - 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Wroclaw, 2016, p. 590-595.
- A. Svistunov, V. Mordachev Required levels of radiation power of GSM base stations on urban area taking into account attenuation in buildings and intrasystem EMC - 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Wroclaw, 2016, p. 596-601.
- V. Mordachev, E. Sinkevich, D. Tsyanenka, A. Krachko, G. Slepyan, I. Bezruchonok, A. Karaim EMC diagnostics of complex radio systems by the use of analytical and numerical worst-case models for spurious couplings between antennas - 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Wroclaw, 2016, p. 608-613.
- V.Mordachev. Worst-Case Estimation of Electromagnetic Background Near Ground Surface Created by Heterogeneous Radioelectronic Environment // Proceedings of the EMC 2015 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC EUROPE, Dresden, Germany, August 16-22, 2015, pp. 1147-1152.
- V.Mordachev, A.Svistunov. Reduction of the Radiated Power of Cellular Base Stations on Urban Area at High Intrasystem EMC Requirements // Proceedings of the EMC 2015 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC EUROPE, Dresden, Germany, August 16-22, 2015, pp. 1153-1158.
- E.Sinkevich, V.Mordachev. Investigation of the Transmitter Susceptibility to Reverse Intermodulation by the Use of Double-Frequency Diagrams // Proceedings of the EMC 2015 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC EUROPE, Dresden, Germany, August 16-22, 2015, pp. 1159-1164.
- Мордачев В.И., Свистунов А.С. Оценка необходимого уровня мощности излучения базовых станций стандарта GSM в городе с учетом требований внутрисистемной электромагнитной совместимости // Доклады БГУИР, №4(90), 2015, с.53-60.