• Development, production and delivery of basic microwave and EHF devices; control, measurement and testing of microwave equipment in the ranges from 10 MHz to 220 GHz:
    - Metrological support at  development, production and implementation stages
    - Distance calibration of automated measuring devices and systems
    - Modification of the measuring devices according to the client's requirements and special production conditions
  • Design, production and delivery of measuring systems and etalons:
    - Development and production of standard systems in the sphere of microwave measurements (measurement of power, flux density, frequencies, VSWR, reflection and transmission coefficients)
    - Design and production of microwave measuring devices within the range from 10 MHz to 220 GHz 



  • Basic microwave and EHF equipment 
    - Detecting heads
    - Harmonic mixers
    - Balance frequency mixers
    - Measuring cellules
  • Measuring microwave equipment 
    - Panoramic measuring devices of VSWR and loss (scalar network analyzers)
    - Complex reflection and transmission coefficients measuring devices (vector network analyzers)
    - Microwave power meter
    - High-frequency signal generators
  • Special-purpose equipment 



Calibration of microwave and EHF measuring devices: generators; measurers of VSWR, loss, complex transmission and reflection coefficients, wattmeters; power converters; attenuators in certain frequency ranges (according to the accreditation sphere as defined by the certificate).

Testing of microwave and EHF modules and blocks:

  • Technical regulations conformity certification of EHF and microwave modules and blocks (according to the lab's accreditation sphere)
  • Design, production and repair of microwave and EHF measuring equipment in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 200 GHz
  • Development of proposals on regulatory enhancement in issues related to the electronics requirements and testing procedures
  • Development and improvement of measuring and testing methods for electronics, as well as of technical regulations in the microwave measuring sphere
  • Participation in state testing procedures in accordance with the state technical regulations as well as in other metrological activities
  • Testing upon the request of any legal entity (court, organization or company)
  • Conducting seminars and meetings on the topics related to microwave measurements and testing
  • Review of similar testing laboratories operation and development of improvement recommendations

Research on material properties under the frequency ranges from 10 MHz up to 220 GHz

Teaching and training for professionals in the following areas:

  • Metrology, standardisation and certification in infocommunication systems
  • Infocommunication technologies in laser info-measuring systems

Development, production and delivery of basic devices of microwave and EHF ranges; control-measurement and testing microwave and EHF devices in the ranges from 10 MHz to 220 GHz; measuring systems and etalons; equipment for satellite telecommunication; equipment for special purposes.



2020 – 2022 PROJECTS

Scientific and technical projects are carried out within the framework of international and national programs, including jointly with partners.

1. Relation between chemical composition, magnetic and magnetotransport properties in lightly doped lanthanum-strontium manganites.



Denis Kondrashow
Head of the center
☏  +375 17 293 84 58
View profile

Aleksander Gusinski
Scientific Supervisor
Doctor of Science, Professor
☏  +375 17 293 84 42
View profile



☏  +375 17 293 84 42, +375 17 293 88 76  
🖷  +375 17 293 84 96
✎  6, P. Brovki str., Minsk, 220013, Republic of Belarus