- Scientific research, developments, engineering and services in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic safety (EMS), electromagnetic protection (EMP) and electromagnetic ecology (EME) of radio equipment
- ADFTT / ADFTS – automated double-frequency test technique and system
- DNA EMC – technology and software for non-linear behaviour simulation of radio-receiver operation in severe electromagnetic environment
- EMC-Analyzer – specialized expert system for the analysis of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of radioelectronic equipment of complex local board and ground-based systems at all stages of life cycle: design, production, implementation, modernization
- VTA EMC – technology and software & hardware complex (Virtual Testing Area) for EMC analysis of great number of terrestrially distributed radio systems of various radio services
- GIS-RF – specialized geo-informational technologies for radio frequency planning and control - specialized geoinformation technology for solving problems of frequency planning, spectrum management and EMC problems in complex sets of terrestrially distributed radio systems
- EMSE – a technique for assessing the electromagnetic safety of the population and the electromagnetic ecology of the environment in conditions of mass use of cellular communications and wireless information services
- Research, development, scientific and technical expertise in the spheres of EMC of radio electronic systems and networks, EMC protection, EMC safety, and EMC ecology
- Development and supply of specialised software according to specific customer requirements, including software based on modern geo-informational technologies and radio measuring means; unique technologies of discrete EMC analysis, discrete non-linear modelling of radio devices and elements, analysis of electromagnetic environment, which is created by up-to-date and future radio networks that are providing informational services to the population, and etc.
- Modelling and behavior analysis of radio systems of various services (e.g., communication, radar, radionavigation, etc.) in severe electromagnetic environment based on the original technology of discrete non-linear modelling
- Development of frequency-territorial plans of radio networks of various purposes with arbitrary spatial topology, development of recommendations on effective electromagnetic compatibility at intrasystem and intersystem levels
- Development of methods and means of automated measurements and characteristics control of EMC and electromagnetic protection of radioelectronic devices
- EMC expert examination, specialised training in the spheres of EMC, electromagnetic protection, safety and ecology of radio systems
- Expert examination of EMC of radioelectronic devices and (or) of high frequency devices according to the Act of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 654 dated July 25, 2013
- Risk analysis of EMC effects on the population created by the mobile network stations and other radio systems according to the Regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 093-0610 dated June 28, 2010
Vladimir Mordachev
Head of the laboratory
Ph.D., associate professor
☏ +375 17 293 84 38
🖂 mordachev@bsuir.by
View profile
Eugene Sinkevich
Deputy Head of the laboratory
☏ +375 17 293 89 94
🖂 emc@bsuir.by
View profile
6, P. Brovki str., Minsk, 220013, Republic of Belarus
☏ +375 17 293 89 94, +375 17 293 84 38
🖷 +375 17 293 84 38
🖂 emc@bsuir.by
🌐 emc.bsuir.by
✎ Offices 207a, 213а